Trend Micro and the threats of cyber espionage: actual and future trends
The second edition of the Security Barcamp organized by Trend Micro proves to be a very interesting meeting about IT related topics, both on a worldwide and on a more Italian-focused scale.
Rik Ferguson, Trend Micro Vice-President, was the special guest of the event and, in an extended speech, he spoke about the three main threats in the IT field of the moment and which will be in the future.
The most important threat is ransomware for sure. The phenomenon boomed in 2015 and experienced a 400% growth in terms of attack typologies and available families during the following year. The new trend is to refine and improve the attacking techniques with a particular focus on selected business targets (whose data have an important value and can justify the payment of the ransom) and social engineering, which is at the basis of these attacks.