Proxmox VE, the popular open source virtualization solution provided by the German Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH, has come to version 4.0, available today at this address. Proxmox VE allows the user to create and manage container (LXC) and virtual machines (KVM) virtualized environments, storage, virtualized networks and High Availability server cluster, all of that by means of a handy Web interface.

As the previous versions, this one is based on Debian too, precisely on version 8.20 "Jessie", the Linux kernel being used is 4.2; those who have installed the beta version released in late june can simply upgrade with apt-get.

Among the new features available, there's room for an LXC support instead of OpenVZ (there is a guide for migrating from an OpenVZ container to an LXC container in the Proxmox wiki), storage plugins like ZFS, Ceph and DRBD9, in addition to a full support to IPv6; creating and managing HA setup gets easier, eg an external fencing system is not needed anymore (it's automatically configured) and a test of the HA functionalities can be performed, so that possible problems can be highlighted. The CLI tools management has been improved.
Finally, we remind that Proxmox VE 4.0 can also be installed on top of the servers with Debian "Jessie" present and that the support of the 3.x releases will end with the end of the support to Debian "Wheezy", expected in april 2016.

A recap video is available here.